Released Distribution Page List API to simplify the management of distribution pages

Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2023


Thank you for using DeployGate.

We have released an API that provides a distribution page list. It enables the batch organization and automation of the distribution pages you’ve created.


DeployGate offers a “distribution page” feature to easily distribute apps to team members and external users.

When creating a distribution page, simply sharing its URL allows a recipient to install an app’s specific revision.

There are two ways to create a distribution page. You can either do so on the web or specify the parameters when requesting an API that uploads an app.

If your team has prepared an auto build environment for apps, by building it with CI, using DeployGate’s upload API will automatically create a distribution page with a specific naming convention. This allows you to create and share URLs for different purposes.

For example, if you have a branch called “QA,” you can elect to have the QA distribution page automatically created/updated only when a commit is pushed to that branch. This ensures that QA staff will receive that branch’s updates only.

However, on the flip side, customers have informed us that distribution pages that are no longer needed remain up and undeleted.

While we already have an API to delete distribution pages, we did not have an API that generated a list of distribution pages to be deleted. To delete unnecessary distribution pages all at once, customers had to manage a separate list on their own.

Distribution Page List API Released

To solve this issue, DeployGate now provides an API that returns a list of distribution pages.

The distribution page list API allows you to obtain a list of distribution pages created for each app and automate the management of distribution pages.

For example, if you want to “delete distribution pages that have not been updated in more than one month,” you can delete them by combining APIs:

  1. Execute Distribution Page List API
  2. View the updated_at values in the response and specify the date only those older than one month
  3. Use the access_key for the applicable distribution pages and execute Delete Distribution Page API

Expressing the above using commands like curl and jq as a one-liner will look like the following. Please adjust the ${} values as necessary depending on your environment.

For further information, please refer to the support documentation.

Future Plans

As discussed in this post, DeployGate continues to make small improvements to work towards updating our overall services while being mindful of minimizing disruptions to our users.

Your feedback is invaluable, as it helps us to improve our services. If you have requests, comments, or concerns about our services, please post on Twitter with #deploygate or contact us.

Thank you for your continued support of DeployGate.



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